Fear Street

Initial release 2021

Director-Leigh janiak

Streaming on-Netflix

Fear street 1,1994

Fear street 2,1978

Fear street  3,1666

The movie is in three parts and is a classic horror or Trilogy. Main cast of the movie are Kiana Madeira as Deena, she is portrayed as  possessive girlfriend and loves Sam who gets in trouble because of the Shadyside curse and Deena tries to undo the curse. So the story is divided in three parts explaining the story of different years ,the story goes backwards and everything will be crystal clear in 1666, where everything actually started.

Fear Street 1994

The first part started at mall and go backwards and to undo the curse Sam & Deena and her friends started to fight the Devil and find the reason behind the curse which she finds that Sarah the witch, is the reason and of this and gathering her whole body together with her hand will lead to stop the curse but that didn’t happened.

Ziggy and Cindy

In 2nd part main characters are Ziggy and Cindy and Nick where Ziggy and Cindy touched the Sarah fier body and devil’s started running to kill them where Cindy is elder sister got killed by devil but the younger one got saved by Nick while gathering Sarah fier body with the hand which they fail to do so. Ziggy and Cindy cracked the half mystery.

The 3rd part 1666 the witch curse and disaster will be revealed that’s happening in Shadyside from past 300 years. Deena got to know the real reason behind Shadyside curse. Ziggy, Deena and Josh try their best to save same and Shadyside. I recommend going with the sequence is essential.

I feel the movie isn’t that frightening and everyone can watch this except people who have sensitive hearts .The movie creates curiosity as streaming has changed the way one watches a movie or series. People started binge watching so they started releasing one episode per time and you will feel like what is gonna happen next. What was the origin of the movie with twists and turns?

The movie is good for a one time watch. I rate 4/5 to the movie


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