Money Heist / La casa de Papel

Episode duration- 50-60 mins


Money Heist is a  thriller drama series started in 2017 on Netflix consisting of 4 seasons. The final part of this series will be released in September & December this year..

The whole series revolve around Professor (Sergio Marquina) and how he makes a unique plan of robbery where featuring a group of misfit thieves attempting to rob the Royal Mint of Spain the series shows a sophisticated plan to rob which is whole lot of suspense & intensity and make you love the series and create eager to know more.

The Professor- You are here according to the plan.

There are different characters like Rio (Meguel Herran) who is good at computers, Tokyo (Ursula Corbero) & Nairobi (Alba Flores)  are strong and have a powerful character, Moscow (Paco Tous) & Denver (Jamie Lorente) know how to mine , Oslo (Roberta Garcia Ruiz) & Helsinki (Darco Peric) experts in guns & weapons, Berlin (Pedro Alonso) is unsympathetic  incharge of the gang but the fighter in the end of second season ,Stockholm (Monica Gaztambide) is a lovely and sensitive character,  Lisbon (Itizar Ituno) will be partner of professor in second robbery done at the bank of Spain The whole characters will make you love them because there will action, drama, love, humour etc all in one.

The second robbery at National Bank of Spain was never the plan of professor but a mistake done by Tokyo and Rio bring all of them into this where the whole first robbery was the plan made by professor’s father the second robbery was the plan of his brother where they challenge the whole system to bring back Rio who was kept illegally by Spanish police and is being tortured, which is against human rights in the end of  fourth season .

A Salvador Dali Mask

 The whole narrative or the idea of the show symbolizes a struggle against an unjust system with little liberty, and the inequality which is present in society so the masks (Salvador Dali) and songs and even color red which are frequently used in the show metaphors the blood of people who have sacrificed their life for freedom and liberty. Even the Spanish name for the show roughly translates (Casa Del la Papel- The House of Paper) which not only tells about paper which is here money but also points us all the weakness caused by it, as we know houses aren’t made by papers but by sweat and blood of its residents (the Spanish people)

Denver lying on a pile of cash.

The series is loud for people who  are sensitive to blood and guns but surely people who will give it a chance will love it. These robbers are not the antagonists, they are the actual heroes in the series. I still have enough to write but the story shouldn’t be spoiled. 

I rate 4.5/5 the whole series.

Signing off stay tuned for next review 

Jagriti Gupta

(Facts by Mishra – Bella Ciao, the whole song which gained the limelight due Money Heist, is actually an Italian song of the 19th century which was used by peasants and partisans while they were working in fields, later on this became an anthem for anti-fascist in 1940s against Nazi occupation of Italy, with time this  song  is known as a symbol of protest and rebellion against system.)

Bella Ciao

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